Another Inspiring day of the @NAVIGATE Project #Workshop
Planing, Plagiarism, Search Guide(ing) and more inspiring ? at @NAVIGATE Project #Workshop day
Тhe Bulgarian team leaders Marina Encheva and Vasil Zagorov spoke in two separate talks about game-based learning for improving the IL skills and specifics of the Navigate Project and the planning of the scenario of the first NAVIGATE IL game and the idea of its implementation in the educational process. The Navigate working teams from Sweden, Bulgaria and Italy listened to a lecture on plagiat and discipline presented by Jenny Riddarstrom from KL management office. The librarians from University of Gävle gave a very interesting lecture about a practical Search Guide. The working day continued with the group task of producing the Games scenario. The interesting and attractive ideas were discussed in three teams on the Games scenario concerning the outcomes and assessment to implement ideas for information literacy games.
Follow us in the next days on Twitter with #CreateNavigateGames