Information Literacy: A Game-based learning approach for Avoiding Fake Content
The need for Information Literacy (IL) has been determined by two main societal pressures.
- The information explosion and the spread of ICT; this technology has made it easy for everyone to access information and IL is now a basic competence.
- The EU reform of continuing education from the year 2000: every student must achieve IL competence when European policies for lifelong learning are implemented.
Having the ability to use the best digital technologies to bring about innovation improves everyone’s employability, especially for young people.
The NAVIGATE project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (EACEA), and started in September 2017 and lasts for 3 years. It builds upon important research results in the field of IL implemented in the European Higher Education Area in the last decade.
By applying a game-based approach to IL training of Bachelor’s students in Humanities in Europe, innovation can be brought into this field.
The NAVIGATE project’s use of digital games in IL training in university environment will provoke students’ active involvement through research, experimentation, competition and cooperation. The traditional understanding of IL will be extended, as the training based on games adds the ability to collaborate in digital environments.
To achieve the objectives of the project, quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis will be applied in standardized questionnaires and focus groups. Through the method of modeling (simulation of a real-life environment/situation and a game-based learning), the students’ level of IL will be monitored.
A “post-project” will focus on disseminating the NAVIGATE model among other relevant stakeholders. IL games can be used in libraries and information centres for the life-long learning of users of different ages and social statuses.
Main objectives:
- To elaborate a competency tree and a synthesised syllabus goal with core IL skills like finding, evaluating and using information effectively.
- To develop a game-based model for IL training involving a syllabus based on the competency tree; games included in the syllabus; working modules with specific game tasks and game-based learning activities.
- To design a model of scenarios for the IL games.
- To develop IL games and implement an online platform to integrate the game-based learning model.
- To elaborate a handbook of the method to support future users of a game-based learning approach to IL.
Expected results:
- Traditional models of teaching will be changed as interactive serious games are integrated in the training.
- IL trainers’ competences will be improved.
- Students’ interest in learning in general will be stimulated.
- The product will be further improved and upgraded by using students and tutors’ feedback.
- The NAVIGATE training model will be applied in other institutions (public and academic libraries).
- Criteria for synchronised learning and assessment will be elaborated.
- IL competences, which are fundamental today for every occupational area, will be improved for students in participating universities.
- Students and tutors’ motivation for applying innovative methods and forms of education will increase.